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Eliminar totalmente as filas?
Porque a Disney não tem intenção de fazer isso.

Using software to manage customer relationships (CRM - Customer Relationship Management) has become increasingly common and less optional over the years. The need to maintain a solid customer base grows in parallel with the competition. Even more important than that, many have been concerned about the experience and safety of those who use their services, especially in areas such as healthcare.


When thinking about purchasing a system to assist in this management, it is common to be initially delighted to see the graphs that update in real time, bringing dozens and dozens of indicators that seem to be the solution to all problems. After a few weeks of use, there are now only a few of those dozens that seem to provide any really valuable information. Why does it happen? There are several possibilities, but a considerably common one is the lack of relevant information available in the database. Often the ERP does not have enough details for the CRM to synthesize concrete information to the point of influencing decision making.

How can PassPanel help solve this problem?

PassPanel is responsible for one of the most critical parts of service: waiting. If a customer/patient waits longer than expected, their loyalty will be tested. Indicators such as TME (Average waiting time) and TMA (Average service time) are critical for a more assertive assessment and individual data is even more important. Having this information in an accessible form is good, but why not go for the excellent? Instead of analyzing graphs of problems that have already occurred, wouldn't it be better to avoid them?

One of the ways available in PassPanel 2024 is balancing calls by time. When using this option, passwords will be prioritized according to the maximum waiting times for each situation. The colors will help identify their status. But what if the lack of service is about to become critical? Registered supervisors will be able to define a time to be notified by notification, message or email, giving them time to take action as quickly as possible. These are just a few examples of how PassPanel can enhance your company's CRM through not only information, but preventive actions.

To learn how the system works in full, watch the video below:


Que lições aprendemos com o caso Disney?

Em primeiro lugar, precisamos entender que cada fila e cada tipo de empresa pode ter necessidades diferentes com relação ao seu atendimento. Por exemplo, dificilmente alguma clínica médica ou hospital gostaria de passar a impressão de estar sempre lotada. Dessa forma, é preciso focar em soluções de gestão de filas que permitam uma personalização para cada modo de operação. 


Em segundo lugar, nem tudo que é novo tecnologicamente pode significar uma real evolução para o seu negócio. Muitos tem tentado partir para soluções de atendimento sem emissão local da senha sem a devida análise de seu público, o que até tem trazido algumas facilidades, mas em paralelo, gerado muita perda de tempo por faltas ou pessoas mal intencionadas que geram "senhas fantasmas". 

Em resumo, as filas não devem ser encaradas como um problema, mas sim a forma como elas estão sendo geridas. O PassPanel 2024 é a solução mais completa e pronta para que a sua gestão de filas ocorra com máxima eficiência e trazendo os melhores resultados.


Para tirar suas dúvidas sobre o PassPanel, assista ao vídeo abaixo:

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