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In 2023, PassPanel established itself as one of the market leaders in the area of queue management and customer service throughout the country. Packed with new features, it helped medical clinics, hospitals, stores, bakeries, butchers and many other sectors to take their service to the next level. However, as we reach the year 2024, the challenge arises: How can we improve something that has already served our customers so well? Check out in this brief article some of the new features already present in the 2024 version and also some that will be made available soon.


Performance and user experience

Due to the rapid growth of the tool, we did our best to deliver parameters that met the widest possible range of operating modes. We created screens, added information to the database and turned PassPanel into a service management tool capable of meeting any need. However, a general review of how the screens were constructed was necessary to organize them in a more logical and intuitive way.  This now makes it even easier to use.

Hundreds of codes were also revised to make them more simplified and agile. In a simple to understand way: PassPanel 2024, even with several new features, is now even faster and more stable than its previous version.

More indicators and proactivity

Uma série de novos relatórios foram criados e organizados por categoria, permitindo que a informação desejada seja agora muito mais completa e fácil de encontrar. Uma grande novidade que estará disponível em breve é o robô que irá fiscalizar os atendimentos no período ou em tempo real e poderá avisar o gestor caso algo não esteja de acordo com o desejado. Um exemplo: Há uma pessoa com senha prioritária aguardando a mais de 10 minutos enquanto um usuário livre não realiza a chamada. Ao ser avisado disso, o gestor poderá atuar imediatamente, garantindo o conforto e segurança dos clientes e consequentemente, sua fidelidade.

Novos recursos

Several new features were created to simplify the daily lives of those who use PassPanel. One of them is the internal chat. Now PassPanel users can communicate directly through the tool with other employees, thus facilitating the exchange of information about services and other activities inherent to this.

Permissions management has also gained major improvements. On the user screen, it is possible to define screen permissions individually, allowing much more efficient control of system resources.

These and many other new features present in version 2024 will be available in the version's presentation video, which will be released soon on the official create channel and added to this page.

If you would like more information, please contact us through the "contact" section of the website.

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